18 December, 2008

Season Of Joy!

Beberapa hari belakangan gue lagi males-malesan terusss, tidur di atas jam 12, bangun siang, mandi siang, dan bolos sekolah hahaha lagian di sekolah juga udah ga jelas ngapain. Berasa udah liburan aja deh, hmm tapi gara-gara males-malesan gini kepala gue jadi sakit -.- jadinya gue udah gamau males-malesan lagi deh. Mau bangun pagi, mandi pagi, beres-beres kamar, pergi jalan-jalan, hmm welcome holiday!

14 December, 2008

Be Kind, I'm New

I'm new here
I made this 'minor and static thing' for some odd reasons..-actually this is one of my school things
I'm not sure that I'll be good here, because I don't really like to write and tell so much about myself or my life..
hmm, okay then, seeya